Software I have written Document Revision 25th April, 1999 This document contains a list of all the publicly released Macintosh software developed by me. Roughly half of all the programs here are freeware, and the rest are shareware. This file tends to go out of date rapidly. Therefore, for most current information, you should visit my software web pages, located at At the time of writing, all of the programs found in this document can be downloaded from this web page. Screenshots are included for some of the programs, however I have deliberately removed the larger ones to conserve disk space. This document can be conveniently navigated using the arrow buttons found at the bottom of each page. The green button opens a contents dialog. Before e-mailing me, check that your question isn't covered here: - Where to get ROMs for my emulators? ROMs and software can be dumped from your original copies using tools available on the Internet. Try a web search. I cannot and will not send you ROM images - to do so would be illegal. - Can I have the source code? If the source code to one of my programs is available, it is on my web page. I do plan to release some more of my source code in the future - but I will not send it to anyone until I do. - Can you make X do this, this, and this? I'm always willing to add useful features to any of my programs. If the program is Shareware, though, I'm far more likely to listen to you if you are a registered user. - XXX doesn't work on this emulator. I'm probably aware of this - emulators are notoriously difficult to get exactly right. Sorry, there's nothing I can do. If you still have a legitimate question (and trust me, the answers above are 90% of all the e-mail I get), feel free to e-mail me at Please bear in mind, however, that I receive an awful lot of e-mail, and it may take me a while to get back to you.